Jude Williams ‘26
From Now On We’re StarDust parallels mortality and eternity in the life of people and Stars.
This collection combines visual mixed media art and poetry, while incorporating themes of space and astral imagery. Drawing inspiration from pop culture/musical figures and poetry, this exhibition ties to the death of stars and humans who lived and died with great influence, to both me personally and the world.
The title references Fall Out Boy’s most recent album So Much (For) StarDust and their earlier single “From Now On We’re Enemies.” The title, like the subjects it references, is comprised of pieces of greater works made into something new. New art is so often overlooked because of its contemporary and cultural status, often seen as low value art in comparison to its classical and renowned counterparts.
This collection is about the importance of contemporary lives through art and the cyclical nature of creation through destruction and change. The pieces of this exhibition are made from pieces of other art, such as literature, song, or physical objects, including natural materials. This shows the importance of found art and the ability to create valuable and meaningful art anywhere with anything.
The creation of this collection has one strong meaning: we are without knowing and without trying, destined to be and become stardust...forever.
And that means whatever we make it to be.