Aún Recordamos Aquel Hogar

"Cuando de casa estamos lejanos, mas la recordamos." 

“When we are far from home, we remember it more.” 

An investigation into the use of space as a character in visual narrative, through the artwork of five contemporary LatinX artists:

Albert Alvarez

Fernando Andrade

Ruth Buentello

Joe De La Cruz

Jenelle Esparza


Delving into methodologies of visual narrative, Aún Recordamos Aquel Hogar, investigates the use of place within visual art story-telling. Five contemporary LatinX artists create narrative artworks that employ setting/location as a character within the story. In literature, film, and TV shows, this trope can be an immediate and sometimes overt metaphor created by the author. However, within the context of fine art this approach is usually subdued or concealed. 

In this exhibit, each artist employs the “setting as character” trope uniquely. The artists’ artwork is presented as individual case studies within the allegorical process of imbuing an inanimate landscape, physical location, psychological space, or a geographically-based community with character arcs integral to the plot. 

This exhibit is meant to share personal narratives of a shared culture. History, interaction, and place combine to create experiences; these experiences are essential to story-telling. As a common culture provides, these artists have analogous locations and experiences. However, their artworks showcase individual identities that feature intimate settings and unique narratives.  

– Sean FitzGibbons